WordPress Hosting & Maintenance
Imagine WordPress Without Worries
If you know the “heart in your mouth” panic from having really messed up your website when you were just trying to (fill in the blank) and you didn’t know how to fix it or who to call, and when you did find someone who could help, it was a long wait and a lot of money to fix.
You’ll be happy to know that could be part of your past.

I’m Interested In Worry-Free Fast Hosting
All hosting is not equal. It’s not a commodity where it’s exactly the same everywhere, with the only difference being price. If that’s were the case, then just buy hosting for your website at the lowest price.
We recently launched a study to determine what it would take for us to improve our server speed only to find that it’s really difficult to find servers that are consistently faster than our servers.
That’s not to say that we can’t make improvements, as we are constantly improving our hosting service, but having super-fast servers is not our only major advantage!

You can restore your website quickly, or we also have built-in support for your WordPress website available. For a monthly or annual fee that’s not much greater than just hosting, we will take care of all of the WordPress updates to WordPress versions, plugins and other requirements.

Fast Servers

Our resource management makes speed, not profitability our top priority. Most large hosting companies make profitability their priority which results in hosting too many websites on a single server.
At peak periods, the resources of the server are often overwhelmed causing a slowdown for all websites hosted on that server.
Our competitive edge is to place speed at the forefront of our server resource decisions, resulting in maximum speed for each site hosted.
This is becoming more and more critical as people begin to understand that website speed has a direct impact sales and sales lead generation and also on search engine performance. Google announced that starting in May 2021, website speed is going to be a much more significant factor in their ranking algorithm.
We offer 3x daily, & 6 monthly offsite back-ups on a remote server plus one daily on-site backup for quick restores.
Problems can arise, outside of your control, that could impact the performance of your website. It could be anything from a plugin update causing the site to break to a fire in the building where the server is hosted.
We establish frequent backups and store those backups on a remote server with a different company in a completely different location.
If anything were to happen, even a catastrophic failure, your website could be fully restored to its most recent version.


We include SSL at no extra charge. Some hosts still require the purchase and installation of an SSL certificate which can cost an additional $100 per year or more.
While it has become more common to offer SSL, there are lots that still don’t. Network Solutions is just one of the large companies still not providing SSL as part of the hosting package.
From a website security point of view, it’s important to continually update WordPress versions, plugins and themes.
Regular maintenance of WordPress websites and other content management platforms can be part of your hosting package. Never struggle with a broken site again!

Email & Anti-Spam Measures

Anti-SpamSpam is a sustained problem for web hosts. One bad actor can result in an entire network of sites being impacted. We implement the latest best practices to mitigate this risk.
Such practices include SPF records to ensure sender authenticity, DKIM to correctly sign mail, DMARC for proper error handling, and forward-confirmed reverse DNS (FCrDNS) to verify trust.
To ensure web forms are not used for spam, we assist with installing reCaptcha technology which offers a non-obtrusive check that stops 99% of bot traffic.
Finally, we put reasonable limits in place to slow spammers down. Domains are limited to 50 messages per hour, and 200 messages per day. This limit has never been reached through regular usage.
We have noticed an increase in the use of mail forwarders for spam purposes and will begin working with affected clients to move away from forwarders to more secure options for receiving mail. As anti-spam is an evolving field of research, we will continue to make adjustments to deal with new tactics employed by spammers.
cPanel Access
You will be able to access your cPanel to accomplish changes to your site that you would otherwise have to wait for. Set up a new email address. Add a database. Add a TXT record. It’s all there if you need it.
If you don’t need this – no problem. We’ll do all that stuff for you. However, if you can do it yourself, and want to do it yourself, you don’t have to wait.

Bonus – Helpful advice
If you are working on your own website and need some advice or direct assistance, you’ll be able to get help without the frustration of having to navigate endless phone menus or finding out that tech support is unable to assist with that type of request.